Telephone Advice

GMMAP Now Offers Telephone Debt Advice

If you struggle to find the time to call into one of our offices why not speak to one of our debt advisers from the comfort of your own home. We can advise on a full range of debt related issues from council tax arrears to bailiff and repossession worries.

  • Our telephone advice line offers specialist, confidential and free debt advice.
  • We offer the same level of service that you would receive during a face-to-face appointment, but with more flexibility.
  • Our debt advice line is open 10am-4pm Monday to  Friday, to ensure that anyone can access free debt advice regardless of their circumstances, call 0808 278 7839.
  • Alternatively, we have a general contact form available or a form for your local debt adviser to get in touch with you.

Your call will be answered by a fully trained Debt Adviser who will ask you some questions about your debts and current circumstances, and advise you on the options available to you.

For free, confidential, impartial debt advice