Asking for help with your debt problem is often a scary thought, but there’s really no need to feel stuck or alone. We’ve put together some top tips to help you cope with money worries.
- Accepting your debt
At GMMAP, we understand how hard it can be to accept how much debt you may have. It’s easy to try and ignore the situation, but this can make you feel stressed and worried.
Working out what you owe by getting together all your letters and statements can make things more clear.
GMMAP can help to do this for you. Simply bring in your letters to us and we can work out what you owe and how best to move forward.
- Avoid making the situation worse
It might seem easier to ignore demands for repayment, but taking action sooner rather than later will save the problem from getting bigger.
We know that contacting creditors can be a daunting task – at GMMAP, we’ll do this for you and help secure a realistic payment plan that works for you.
- Talk about your debt problem
Talking to somebody you trust – whether it’s a family member, close friend, or one of our friendly advisors – can be a huge relief. Choose a quiet moment, with somebody you’re close to, so that you have their full attention. Or, visit our team who can give you the support you need. It’s important to remember, there are always people to turn to!
At GMMAP, we offer free, friendly and confidential advice that helps you recover from debt. We will guide you each step of the way to ensure you never feel on your own.
Get in touch
Getting in touch is easy. You can find your local office at or fill in the contact form at